Monday - Sunday: 9AM - 10PM
Fixed Repair Price: £78
Appliance Repair Tameside

Appliance Repair Tameside

We're able to repair all appliance makes and models for £78 in Tameside & surrounding areas.

No hidden charges

We work on a no fix, no fee model. If we can't fix your appliance then we don't charge a penny.

All makes & models

We can repair all makes and models of appliances. We are able to source most parts for most machines.

Fast appointments

We can usually book you in for a same day or a next day repair because we know how important your appliance is to your home.

Well reviewed

We pride our self on our customer reviews and we are happy to report that we have over 500 positive reviews!

Appliances We Repair In Tameside

Oven Repair Tameside
We offer an oven repair service in Tameside for a fixed price of £78 which includes call out, parts and labour (everything).
Washing Machine Repair Tameside
We offer a washing machine repair service in Tameside for a fixed price of £78.
Dryer Repair Tameside
We offer our dryer repair service for £78, meaning you can get your dryer repaired quickly with no hidden costs.
Dishwasher Repair Tameside
You can have your dishwasher repaired in Tameside for a fixed rate of £78 including everything you need to get back up and running.

Appliance Repair Near Tameside

We are able to carry out repairs to any make and model of ovens, washing machines, tumble dryers and dishwashers including both integrated machines and freestanding machines. All of our repairs are guaranteed for 1 year including parts and labour.

We can offer you an appointment with a 2 hour window, meaning that your not stuck in all day waiting for us to turn up. You will also receive a friendly text message from your engineer to let you know that they are on there way.

If you would like to book a repair in Tameside, please call on 0161 706 1775 or you can request a call back from one of our friendly service engineers. When you get in touch with us, it’s always handy to know the make and model of your appliance so we can make sure we bring everything we need.

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